Saturday, June 1, 2024

World Oceans Day

On June 8th, World Oceans Day is celebrated worldwide annually to raise awareness of the importance of oceans and the need to nurture and protect them all. Canada played an important role in launching World Oceans Day in 1992 during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by having Canada's International Centre for Ocean Development and the Ocean Institute of Canada leading discussions with other global partners. In 2008, the UN officially recognized World Oceans Day and everyone to recognize and be reminded that Earth is 70% covered by oceans and the important role they play in regulating climate, homes to diverse marine life and sustain communities worldwide.

This year's theme is "Catalyzing Action for Our Ocean & Climate" and will focus on the strength of collaborating and partnering together to build strong and sustainable communities and societies. It is important for everyone to be aware of ocean pollution, overfishing and habitat destruction and to be an ally in raising awareness to reduce plastic use, sustainable fishing practices and continued education on helping to preserve our oceans for future generations. 

Isa Mundo has been participating and supporting projects that focus on conservation and ocean based initiatives such as beach cleanups, dialogue training sessions on reef ball projects, recycling to reduce plastic pollution in water ways and turtle conservation projects. We support ideas directly from communities and promote initiatives supported by the World Oceans Day organization. 

To learn more about World Oceans Day visit The 2024 Action Theme

There are many ways to celebrate and launch activities on World Oceans Day. 

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Turtle Conservation Projects

Isa Mundo volunteers were able to visit, learn and participate in a turtle conservation project in the Bay of Banderas region in Mexico. We first visited a small local site in San Pancho where we learned how a certified volunteer can operate a camp and begin to teach and educate both local and international volunteers to assist with operating a turtle conservation camp. It was very informative to know how local developers, home owners, tourists, volunteers and non profit groups work together to ensure the location where turtle mamas lay their eggs are safe and secured. We were impressed with organization of the small camp in San Pancho and participated in the release at sunset joined by volunteers and supporters. 

Our second visit was at the Campamento Tortuguero Boca de Tomates which is in the Marina Vallarta region of the Bay. This is a more established site with outdoor workshop space for new volunteers and tourists to first learn about the camp and conservation work being done prior to the release of baby turtles. The camp also provides simple and basic housing for volunteers who are assisting on a more permanent or monthly basis, including students who are doing research on marine conservation and turtle protection. The camp operates on donations and support from local businesses and surrounding resorts and developers. The camp is located in a beautiful part of the Bay, surrounded by mangroves and away from major structures. 

Isa Mundo committed to support both camps and will be working in partnership this year with other conservation groups to assist the important work being done in the Bay of Banderas region. We would like to thank both Joleen and Charly for their patience and taking the time to show and teach us about this important initiative and the strong collaboration with local community members and dedicated volunteers. 

To learn more, work visit the Campamento Tortugeor Boca de Tomates FB Page.

Thank you / Gracias!