Friday, February 4, 2022

The DREAM Project

We wanted to highlight a charity in Dominican Republic that has been doing work since 1995. The DREAM Project supports various youth initiatives that have transformed lives of thousands of youth through education, leadership training and socio-economic opportunities. 

DREAM's vision is that all children born in the Dominican Republic have the opportunity to receive an education and learn to their full potential. It is our hope that our efforts can be multiplied to allow the opportunity for every child’s gifts and challenges to be met with support nationwide. It is our goal to break the cycle of poverty and change peoples’ destinies. It is our dream that the world will be a better place for the children and families of the next generation.

We are inviting members and volunteers who might be traveling to Dominican Republic in 2022 to visit DREAM and meet its staff, students and community members. This is one organization that we have been waiting to collaborate with but we will need to do a site visit to assess the best way to support the organization based on our capacity and resources. We look forward to the day Isa Mundo visits DREAM and forms a partnership to help the youth of the Dominican Republic.

To learn more about the DREAM Project: