Following are excerpts from the 2017-18 IMEC Report provided by the IMEC Lead Coordinator:

The training
was handled and supervised by Ms. Meann C. Ruga. The integration in every subject
is the focus of the sessions and to give the pupils knowledge about some
important details on using computer. The
program conducted last February 26, 2018 to March 23, 2018 was given to the selected pupils.
They learned the basic education of how to use MS Word, MS Excel
and MS Powerpoint. The activities given
are part of their other subjects like Filipino, English, Math and Science.
As the result of
the program, the integration of knowledge regarding the use of computer is
evident and observed, the pupils learned important skills from the lessons given to them
and enjoyed every session in discovering new things about
the basic knowledge on using computer and technology.
Through ISA
MUNDO FOUNDATION, our vision and mission for the school especially to the
pupils are truly achieved and the quality of education has improved.
Bambang Elementary School is very blessed and fortunate to have kind-hearted
sponsors like ISA MUNDO Foundation. They
are always ready to lend their hands in order to support our projects in improving
the quality of education of our pupils.
We will be providing additional support to upgrade technology, communication and network connection to the Bambang IMEC in 2019 and begin discussion on how to fund after school teachers to reach other children and youth in the village who may not be able to attend regular school hours.