Isa Mundo completed its last project site visit of 2016 with Volcanes school and had the opportunity to observe and listen to success stories of many students attending the school. The most promising part of the day was hearing stories of former students progressing past high school and into universities with students attending medical school, engineering and business. These stories are reasons why we support various initiatives at Volcanes and other IMECs as it provide students opportunities to continue beyond high school and become successful. The hope is that they return to Volcanes and contribute to their community in the future. Volcanes is without challenges - it continues to face funding gaps at different times of the year, and there are various on-going projects in need of completion. But both Art and Mayra Fumerton are determined to ensure Volcanes and its students receive the education they need and deserve.
We also visited the Volcanes Sewing School and saw first hand some of the hand made products being produced in this school. The women who have received training in sewing and design are now part of the economic make-up of the community and are contributing to the sustainability of the Volcanes School Projects.
We were also fortunate to have been joined by Ed and Jo-Ann Grainger for the site visit. The Graingers have become strong supporters of Isa Mundo the past two years and have donated not just their time and money but also their passion and energy to work with the Foundation. We admire all their support and efforts in Mexico in improving the lives of less fortunate children and families. They are an inspiration to us and others working in the PV area. Gracias!