A few days ago, as we (or Isa Mundoers) were walking around Granada trying to orient ourselves and plan our next few days of foundation work, we walked through a poorer neighborhood of town and discovered Carita Feliz. It's difficult not to fall in love with these children (check out the pictures). The next day, we decided to walk back to Carita to learn more about this organization.
Carita was founded in March 2001 by Peder Kolind, a Dutch native. Having recently moved to Granada, he found many children hungry and begging for food. His first day here, he bought food from a street vendor to 70 children. The next day he found 130 children waiting expectantly for him. He soon realized that the community needs were so immense, so he decided to launch Carita Feliz.
Their mission is to work with children and youth, through education, to promote the development of attitudes, knowledge, abilities, and skills to encourage their full educational development. They are currently helping over 1,500 children and youth and their families, through meal and nutrition programs, after school programs, scholarships, medical and dental programs and many others. All services offered by Caritas are completely free for all.
They are doing fantastic work with the communities…and, one of the great things about Caritas is that it is completely ran by local community members and leaders. To learn more about Carita visit:http://www.caritafeliz.org/