Saturday, January 26, 2008

Corporate Social Responsibility Solutions

Isa Mundo was contacted by Sherry Prenevost of Green Solutions which is a group providing new and exciting Corporate Social Responsibility Solutions (CSR) to major corporations and organizations across Europe and from February this year, across Canada and North America. In the process of doing this, Green Solutions provide very positive and creative Public Relations for the companies involved. We do this by managing the disposal of end of life corporate assets, IT, furniture, in fact all items that are no longer needed Green Solutions turns "Waste into Wonder" by building schools and medical centers in less advantaged parts of the world from items that were destined to become waste.

This is a great opportunity for Isa Mundo to make a difference by bridging the gap between the large corporate companies who have a need to employ "best environmental practice" and the charities who struggle. In this process they both win and the environment truly benefits by reduced landfill. We have agreed to collaborate with them and are discussing future projects ... we will keep you updated!!

To learn more about Green Solutions, visit their website at: