Saturday, March 1, 2025

Peter Oudman - Thank You / Gracias / Merci

The year 2025 began with tragic news for Isa Mundo and our volunteers. The passing of our dear friend and mentor, Peter Oudman, has brought sadness to our group. We are heartbroken and our entire team is sending our love and prayers to his wife Teena, their family and close friends in Canada and globally.

It has taken us a few months to reflect and honour the impact of Señor Peter to the work that Isa Mundo has done and continue to do in the Jalisco and Nayarit region of Mexico. From the time we met Peter and Teena, they have shown us nothing but support and inspiration to continue our work in various communities. But most of all, to share so much of their experience, stories and dedication to help those less fortunate, specially all the children with disabilities and their families in the region. Peter was always there to provide us a ride, his giant hug, his laughter and his kind heart - and that everything that mattered to him and Teena were the livelihood and health of their many children at Casa Connor and Pasitos de Luz, whom they loved and cared for so much. 

Isa Mundo was already so inspired by Casa Connor, as each time we visited - our group left with new found energy to continue to support the facility and its amazing staff and children. But meeting Peter, gave us the added push to learn, share and promote the work and projects that are so important in the community. On behalf of Isa Mundo, thank you so much Peter. We will miss your presence but will never forget your encouraging words and passion. May you rest in peace Señor.  🙏

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Vesna Foundation

The trip to the Philippines allowed us to visit and meet members of the Vesna Foundation who are doing exception work in Panglao, Bohol and surrounding areas. Vesna is an environmental conservation group that focuses on the protection and preservation of the biodiversity or the marine environment on the island of Panglao. The group works with local communities, businesses, tourism industry and leaders to carry out research activities and provide workshops and dialogue sessions with government authorities to collaborate on environmental awareness. 

Vesna's work includes: protection of coral reefs; education; eco-diving; monitoring and root waste water treatment projects. Isa Mundo Foundation will continue discussions with Vesna Conservation staff and leaders to find ways to collaborate on projects that are of mutual interest. As we look to learn more and partner with non profit organizations in the Philippines, we will commit to meeting like minded organizations that align with Isa Mundo's objectives on environmental assessment and sustainability. We hope to meet up with Vesna again in 2025 and begin to collaborate on research and preliminary project. 

To learn more about Vesna Conservation, visit their website at