Sunday, March 15, 2020


Sadly and with a heavy heart, we wanted to inform our volunteers, members and local organizations and schools we serve that we have cancelled our trip to Mexico due to the COVID19 crisis. This decision was based on advice from public health agencies, airline partners, sponsors and also our project coordinators on the ground in Mexico.

It was not an easy decision as our flights were booked, donations packed and we had aligned supplies to be purchased upon arrival to support our projects in Mexico. But for the safety of everyone, we must all practice social distancing at the moment and we hope to re-book this trip in the near future.

We will continue to find ways to bring our donated supplies to our partners and we thank everyone and specifically our airline partners and folks who provide discounted accommodations to Mundoers when we visit. We cannot thank you enough for your patience in refunding our costs and fees.

To learn more about the COVID19 and how to remain safe and healthy, please review information available at Public Health Agency of Canada and the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) website at

Take care of yourself and each other!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Hola Mexico!!

We have set our dates for the first trip to Mexico in 2020. We will be arriving the week of March 16th and will visit Boca de Tomatlan school and Casa Connor/Pasitos de Luz.

The main for focus in Boca will be to assess how to launch a feeding program to allow students to have a meal while in school. There are still students in the area that may not have access to food while in school which affects their studies. Isa Mundo is hoping to provide one meal per week (either breakfast or lunch) for as long as funding is available. Our goal is that other organizations will be able to support or sponsor monthly/ yearly to continue the program.

We will also provide additional supplies and funding our IMEC in Boca and meet with education coordinator, Cynthia Leigh, to learn about educational goals and activities for 2020.

As we always do in every visit in the PV area, we are meeting with Teena and Peter, Arturo and the rest of the Pasitos de Luz staff at Casa Connor to visit the children and hear their plans for 2020. We will be learning more about the construction of the outdoor therapeutic pool and begin our own plans on how to contribute to completing this project.

To donate to all these projects and causes, visit the Donate link at

Gracias, Merci, Thank you!