Isa Mundo Foundation has found new friends and partners in Mexico. We would like to introduce the Café Roma's Kids Program to our supporters and we happy to also announce that we will be partnering to complete our 3rd Isa Mundo Education Centre (IMEC) project in the Volcanes School outside of Puerto Vallarta. Isa Mundo recently completed a site visit at the school and decided that we have the capacity to contribute to improving the education facilities in this school.
Café Roma's Kids has been involved in supporting education and social programs in the Puerto Vallarta region by providing school supplies, funding teacher's wages, hosting fundraising efforts and even creating Pizza Party days to help feed less fortunate children in the area. The organization decided that they wanted to get involved with another school in the poor Colonia of Volcanes and immediately began supplying teacher assistants and school supplies to students. The organization also envisioned starting a computer centre as part of the students' curriculum and this idea fits well with Isa Mundo's IMEC concept.
We are looking forward to this partnership and we hope to finish our 3rd IMEC project (and the first) in Mexico with the help of the Café Roma's Kids Program. Stay tuned for updates!
To learn more about our new partner, visit their website at
Café Roma's Kids Program.