Monday, February 1, 2021

Isa Mundo Plans for 2021!

Boca de Tomatlan Education Project
As we prepare for 2021, we are aware this will be a different year. We could not have predicted what happened in 2020 with the COVID pandemic and the effect it would have globally. We had a few new projects to launch last year, enhance and improve existing ones and various community visits to engage with our local partners. With COVID, travel plans were cancelled, shipping of supplies were halted, fundraising slowed down and we aware that many of our projects will need have a 'reboot' in 2021.

But we were able to divert support locally in our communities and continued to find ways to give back and help out local organizations. We supported innovative outdoor education projects and Food Bank initiatives in Mexico and provided much needed funds for a gift giving celebration in the Philippines to support those most affected by the pandemic. Our local volunteers completed some important projects and we commend them for their commitment and perseverance.

For 2021, we will await when travel restrictions will be lifted, vaccines are rolled out and when it is safe again to return to our projects. We are looking forward to returning to some sort of normalcy and we aware that there will still be challenges this year. We will continue to find ways to fund our partners and encourage our network to do the same.

Please remain safe and healthy.